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Why do Sound Baths bring up emotions? Have you ever experienced crying in a Sound Bath?

Writer's picture: Katie PorterKatie Porter

One can experience so many different emotions, sensations, visualizations and more during a Sound Bath. To add, no experience is the same. Depending on what you are going through in your life, what you need to release and heal from, or perhaps what you need to bring forth, each Sound Bath experience can vary…. which is why it is important to keep going back 😌

As humans and in our society we are taught to suppress emotion and because of that , we hold it in our body which can create blockages of energy that translate into physical pains & dis-ease. A Sound Bath helps move that stuck energy and emotion around and often times you may experience crying. Crying is often seen as a sign that the body is releasing deep-seated or suppressed emotions and toxins in the body.

As a practicioner I encourage individuals of a Sound Bath to let come up what needs to come up. Let it flow. I encourage you to just let things be and notice when you let go, what comes after. The experience of crying in a Sound Bath can be incredibly cathartic and healing for you.

Researchers have found that crying releases oxytocin and endogenous opioids, also known as endorphins. These feel-good chemicals help ease both physical and emotional pain.

If you have never cried during a Sound Bath; there’s nothing to worry about. Everyone’s experiences are different and that is the beauty of the journey. Some people feel relaxed and others even feel energized afterwards. Just know, that whatever experience you have , is exactly what is meant to be 🙏🤍✨🎶

Have you ever experienced crying during a sound bath? What did it mean for you?

If you’ve experienced crying during one or more sound sessions give me 😭🤍 In the comments.

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Julie Cunningham
Julie Cunningham
Oct 01, 2023

my body start convulsing really bad and feel almost like an exorcism and the I bale like a baby. After the intensity of the music dies down I catch my breath and fall into mellow happiness. Is this weird?

Katie Porter
Katie Porter
Dec 13, 2023
Replying to

Hi Julie, thank you for being here and sharing your experience with our community. Sound vibration therapy helps to bring your own energy bodies into their natural vibration and alignment, during that process your brainwaves relax into a different state which allows the body to move the energy around that might have been stuck and that can sometimes look or feel like what you described above. To me and some of the readers who have experienced Sound Healing before, it sounds like you had a very beautiful release and breakthrough. Every experience can and will be different, enjoy the process and keep coming back to it :) love & light to you! - Katie

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